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Propaganda Month of Actions for Gender Equality and Gender-Based Violence Prevention in the City in 2017
Ngày đăng 26/11/2018 | 11:24 AM  | View count: 235

Enhancing propaganda and education on gender equality and gender-based violence prevention, urging the whole society to implement the policies and programs on gender equality and prevention of gender-based violence more actively and effectively are the aims of the Month of Actions for Gender Equality and Gender-based Violence Prevention in Hanoi in 2017.


According to Plan No 210 / KH-UBND dated 19/9/2017 of the Hanoi People's Committee, The Month of Action in 2017 is the highlight of the year which creates a critical period and launches a campaign to promote activities for Gender equality and the Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls in Hanoi. The theme of the Month of Actions in 2017 is " Together Stop Violence Against Women and Girls."


The city requires departments and branches to instruct their subordinateagencies to implement a number of specific tasks as below:


- Build and promulgate plans and organize to implement activities in the 2017 Month of Actions at the Departments, committees, branches, and people's committees of districts or towns level.


- Organize propaganda on the theme, messages, and activities of the Month of Action in 2017 on the mass media of the city, on the system of radio in districts, towns, communes. Information on the implementation of the 2017 Month of Action in departments, unions, people's committees of districts, towns has been announced on the website of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Welfare.


- Based on reality, the authorities  select appropriate promoting strategies: such as holding conferences; launching ceremonies, performances, slogans, and posters at the offices, schools, major roads, public places, central and crowded areas; publishing communication prints about gender equality and gender-based violence prevention; organizing forums for dialogue, seminars, conferences, art and sports exchanges according to the theme of the Month of Action 2017; meeting and showcasing examples and highlights in the prevention violence against women and girls; mobilizing resources to support victims of violence, women and children in difficulties.


In addition,the interagency inspection will be strengthened during the 2017 Month of Actions; The inspection will identify constraints and recommend policies for the implementation of prevention violence against women and girls.


The  Hanoi’s Committee assigned to  the Department of Information and Communications to instruct and to coordinate with mass media agencies to propagate activities on gender equality, prevention violence against women and girls in Month of Actions 2017. The Department of Information and Communications also needs to organize an inspection of press and informative activities on traditional newspapers and on the Internet about gender equality; it also needs a strict punishment for any publications and informative products with gender stereotypes.


Hanoi Radio and Television, press agencies of Hanoi have actively posted news and articles about gender equality, prevention of violence against women and girls during the peak period from 15/11 / -15 / 12/201. At the same time, they should detect and propagate typical models that are well aware of gender equality and gender based violence prevention, criticize violent acts against women and girls.


Month of Actions 2017 takes place from 15/11/2017 to 15/12/2017.
