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Hanoi continues to improve the business environment and improve the Competitiveness Index
Ngày đăng 18/03/2019 | 3:49 PM  | View count: 578

In order to achieve the goal of "Pioneer nationwide in the business environment" as Hanoi's commitment at the witness of the Government and the business community, Hanoi needs to continue to have strong changes in the implementation process of tasks to improve the investment and business environment and improve competitiveness, PCI.


Accordingly, on June 7th, 2018, Hanoi People's Committee issues the Plan No.130/KH-UBND to implement Resolution No.19-2018/NQ-CP dated 15th May 2018 by the Government on continue performing key tasks and solutions to improve the business environment and Hanoi City's Competitiveness Index (PCI) in 2018 and the following years.

Hanoi sets targets to improve the business environment and the competitiveness index as follows:

In 2018, Hanoi continues to improve PCI scores and rankings compared to 2017, of which strong improvements in low-ranking indicators such as Approaching to Land Index, Fair Competing Index,

Market Entry Index, Provincial Government Dynamics Index, Legal and Security Index, Unofficial Cost Index and maintain scores and ratings of well-ranked component indicators such as Enterprise Support Services Index and Labor Training Index.

Departments, branches, districts and towns maintain transparency, update and clearly 100% guidance on administrative decisions, policies and procedures on the website ...

Hanoi strives to maintain 100% online business registration rate and the rate of enterprise implementing electronic tax declaration, electronic tax payment over 98% and ensure 100% tax refund records checked per regulations on timely settlement.

The city aims to reduce at least 50% list of goods and products subject to specialized inspection and reduce the rate of imported goods lots subject to specialized inspection at the clearance stages to less than 10% and continues to maintain the registration period of ownership and the use of assets for 14 days. In particular, Hanoi strives to be one of the leading localities in the country in the application and deployment of e-government. By the end of 2018, the City shall provide 55% level 3, 4 online public services across the City and ensure most the common public services, relating to people, businesses that are provided with services at level 3 and 4. The City shall promote electronic payment for public services (such as taxes, electricity, water, tuition, hospital fees and social security programs) and improve the quality of tourism, health, health care, safety and environmental sanitation of tourist areas and locations and simultaneously implement solutions to reduce logistics costs and coordinate activities on enterprise inspection and examinations including specialized inspection and examination ...

Pham Linh
