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Plan on passive technical telecommunication infrastructure in Hanoi city till 2020 with avision to 2030
Ngày đăng 26/11/2018 | 11:01 AM  | View count: 271

On 30th August 2017, the Department of Information and Communications has announced the plan of passive technical telecommunication infrastructure in Hanoi till 2020, with avision to 2030 (according to Decision No. 5800 / QD -UBND on 22nd August 2017 of Hanoi People's Committee).


The plan on passive technical telecommunication infrastructure in Hanoi to 2020, with avision to 2030 has defined as follows:

- The plan on passive technical telecommunications infrastructure of the city, being appropriate and synchronous with the national telecommunication plan and with the overall  plan on socio-economic development of Hanoi till 2020, with avision to 2030, was approved by the Prime Minister, in accordance with the Resolution of the 16th Party Congress of Hanoi City. It is an integral part of urban planning, construction planning (1/500 and 1/2000 scale), and technical infrastructure planning of other sectors in the city.


- The plan on passive technical telecommunication infrastructure in Hanoi needs to meet the requirements of sharing the same technical infrastructure between agencies, organizations, enterprises, and between branches. Simultaneously, it should be associated the construction of defensive areas of Hanoi with defensive strategies of the city.


- The plan will rearrange the space based on the sharing of the existing infrastructure, to ensure it is appropriated to the historical, socio-economic conditions and is suitable with the technology of each developing stage.


- The plan should create conditions for all enterprises to participate and create a competitive and well developing market, for equality and socialization in the constructing and developing passive technical telecommunication infrastructure in the city.


It defined the overall goals to 2020 as follows:

- Developthe passive technical telecommunication infrastructure in order to ensure the sustainability and stability, exploit and manage infrastructure effectively, access to scientific and technological progresses rapidly in order to raise the service quality, information security, urban beauty, eco-friendly environment, promote socio-economic development in associated with ensuring security and defense in the city; to establish a solid foundation for building a smart city.

- Share and use the same technical infrastructure to provide multi-service telecommunications and information technology (converged technology and services).

- Create favorable conditions for all enterprises to participate in the market; build and develop network infrastructure. Establish a competitive market which develop healthily and equally. Socialize the construction of underground works of urban technical infrastructures to lay underground cables, telecommunication cables, medium and low voltage cables altogether on all the streets in the city locality.


- Enhance the application of information technology in the management, operation, and exploitation of databases on passive technical telecommunication infrastructure.


There are specific aims up to 2020: strictly manage the implementation of subterranean projects along with urban upgrading; by 2020 strive to embed cables underground, reduce, clear up, and arrange the over ground lines on the main street from 3rd belt- road  back to city center; put 100% of telecommunication cable networks in the city's belt-roads, in new urban areas, satellite urban areas, industrial zones, industrial parks, new residential areas underground; construct, upgrade, and expand roads according to the transport plan of Hanoi to 2030 with a vision toward 2050 approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 519 / QĐ-TTg dated on 31st March 2016; strive to transform 50% of the bulky antenna pole (type A2) to non-bulky or camouflaged, environmentally friendly (type A1) antenna in Hanoi's old streets and landscapes areas; increase sharing telecommunications infrastructure (stations, antenna towers) in order to save investing costs and to protect the urban landscapes, achieve the sharing rate of 30-35%; develop public self - serving telecommunication service by  socializing to meet the people’s demand in public areas, tourist areas, and cultural, commercial centers.


Accordingly, the plan content focuses on the following features:


- Construct of the public telecommunication service points by maintaining existing public telecommunications service points and developing public wifi points in public areas in the city.


- To arrange the antenna pole by using a non-bulky antenna pole, camouflaged and environmentally friendly antenna, by converting the bulky antenna pole (A2a type) to a non-bulky antenna pole, camouflage, environmentally friendly antenna (type A1) in the areas of Ba Dinh political center, Thang Long Royal Citadel, Old Quarter area, Ho Guom area, the neighborhood and old streets of Hanoi.


- Arrange underground technical infrastructure works and cables pillars by not establishing new system of separate telecommunication cable pillars in urban areas or existing underground works areas, existing electric pillars lighting pillars and common using underground technical infrastructure works (tunnel, technical trench, technical sludge) to lay underground telecommunications and electric cables.


In order to achieve the targets and norms, the plan also indicates that it is necessary to mobilize all social resources to develop the passive technical telecommunication infrastructure. The investment capital to develop the passive technical telecommunication infrastructure of enterprises is self - raised by the enterprises (such as build up immobile broadband telecommunication infrastructure, 4G mobile communication network, Broadband internet, ...); Invest in constructing the shared underground infrastructures (tunnels, technical trenches, technical culverts) by socializing in order to bury cables underground  and to modify over ground cables in the city.


Apart from solution of investing sources, the plan identified other features such as mechanisms, policies and implementation; sciences, technology and environment; service development; human resources development; information, propaganda, awareness raising; strengthening cooperation and integration, ...


The City People's Committee assigned the Department of Information and Communications to organize the implementation and monitoring of the plan; to guide the telecommunication enterprises in the city to make their own plan on passive technical telecommunication infrastructure and report to the City People's Committee for consideration and approval; to be the connecting party to associate with departments, districts, and town people's committees  to solve enterprises’ difficulties and problems in the process of passive technical telecommunication infrastructure in the city.


Based on the Plan, the departments, districts, and local people's committees, branches, in accordance with their functions and tasks, closely coordinate with the Department of Information and Communication during the implementation of the plan.


Based on the Plan, telecommunication enterprises would make their own plan on passive technical telecommunication infrastructure in the city, report to Hanoi People's Committee for consideration and approval.


Details of Decision No. 5800/QĐ-UBND here.

Xuan Doanh
